My Maps

I decided that some of the maps I've "made" by plotting trails w/my GPS might be of interest to others.  So here are a few.

Castle Trail (Closed as of May 2013)

Halawa Ridge

Halapepenui from Hapaki Street

Hau`ula/Papale Complex

Iliahi Ridge Dec.11

Kaipapa`u Waterfall Hike 3.22 miles one way

Kalauao Loop (Start on Aiea Loop Trail) 

Kamaile`unu Ridge

Kamiloiki Ridge

Keaau Ridge (Call  587-0166 ask for Na Ala Hele office you might get the combo to open the lower gate.)


KST-1-North-created 4/7/12

KST-2-Middle-created 4/7/12

KST-3-South-created 4/7/12 

Kuli`ou`ou Loop

Kumaipo Trail (Ancient Hawaiian trail connecting upper Wai`anae and Makaha valleys. NOTE Makaha is CLOSED WATERSHED, w/NO public access)

Kuolani-Waianu (No Access w/o permission from Board of Water Supply)

Laie to Castle (Note permission is need for both the Laie and Castle trails)

Palm Valley Dec.11

Manana Ridge

Manoa Middle Ridge (Notes are for hiking CCW)

Olomana Express (hiked from Waimanalo)

Mokuleia to 3 Corners

Olomana-Hope (Hiked CCW)

Onikiniki Loop

Poamoho Trail Part 1

Poamoho Trail Part 2

Pu`u Kaua Trail (Temp. CLOSED by State of Hawai`i)

Wai`anae Kai-Tiki Ridge Loop

Wai`anae Ramble (loop)

Wai`anae Ramble w/Bail Out Trails

Waimano (Lower Area) Hike Aug 2012-Gray is actual hike.

Waimano Ridge Part 1

Waimano Ridge Part 2

Waiwai Loop

Water Walls and Water (Wai`anae Valley)